
Chicago is a Drag Festival 2019, the first-ever drag festival hosted in Chicago, Illinois, was held on the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. After interning for Cramer PR & Events, a public relations agency specializing in art and entertainment, my old employers commissioned me as their principal graphic designer for this event.

Logo Creation

When it came to the logo, my team and I took inspiration closer to home. We wanted our logomark to be a story-telling design element for the event. Settling on the Chicago flag, we were inspired by the four stars and its reminiscent color of lipstick, resulting in the logo for Chicago is a Drag Festival 2019.

Icon Creation

The iconography created for this social media campaign was inspired by all things drag and the font treatment of logotype, organic strokes with a black outline.

These icons were digitally sketched and produced through Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

The photos here, photographed by Madi Ellis, showcase different branding applications used for the event.

Logotype treatment center stage of the backdrop and to the right, branding applied onto promotional posters with brand collaborations such as Miller Lite.

Design Assets Live at the Event <3

The logomark, logotype, and icons were added onto promotional posters, flyers, and billboard advertisements around the city of Chicago.

Last but not least…

A photograph of myself and a performer at the event. Published in the Chicago Tribune, photographed by DS Shin.

Scroll down to see the social media posts I created for the digital campaign!


The official Chicago is a Drag Festival 2019 merchandise! The photo to the left showcases the CIADF branding and how it was treated on t-shirts.

Limited edition, printed with 3 colors to stay within production budget. Black, white, and red (same color as the logomark).


Ka Lia Universe


Zukes at Chewy